
fpathconf, pathconf — get configuration values for files


        #include <unistd.h>
long fpathconf( int fd,
  int name);
long pathconf( const char *path,
  int name);


fpathconf() gets a value for the configuration option name for the open file descriptor fd.

pathconf() gets a value for configuration option name for the filename path.

The corresponding macros defined in <unistd.h> are minimum values; if an application wants to take advantage of values which may change, a call to fpathconf() or pathconf() can be made, which may yield more liberal results.

Setting name equal to one of the following constants returns the following configuration options:


returns the maximum number of links to the file. If fd or path refer to a directory, then the value applies to the whole directory. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_LINK_MAX.


returns the maximum length of a formatted input line, where fd or path must refer to a terminal. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_MAX_CANON.


returns the maximum length of an input line, where fd or path must refer to a terminal. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_MAX_INPUT.


returns the maximum length of a filename in the directory path or fd that the process is allowed to create. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_NAME_MAX.


returns the maximum length of a relative pathname when path or fd is the current working directory. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_PATH_MAX.


returns the size of the pipe buffer, where fd must refer to a pipe or FIFO and path must refer to a FIFO. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_PIPE_BUF.


returns nonzero if the chown(2) call may not be used on this file. If fd or path refer to a directory, then this applies to all files in that directory. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED.


returns nonzero if accessing filenames longer than _POSIX_NAME_MAX generates an error. The corresponding macro is _POSIX_NO_TRUNC.


returns nonzero if special character processing can be disabled, where fd or path must refer to a terminal.


The limit is returned, if one exists. If the system does not have a limit for the requested resource, −1 is returned, and errno is unchanged. If there is an error, −1 is returned, and errno is set to reflect the nature of the error.


For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).

Interface Attribute Value
fpathconf(), pathconf() Thread safety MT-Safe


POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008.


Files with name lengths longer than the value returned for name equal to _PC_NAME_MAX may exist in the given directory.

Some returned values may be huge; they are not suitable for allocating memory.


getconf(1), open(2), statfs(2), confstr(3), sysconf(3)


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Modified Wed Jul 28 11:12:26 1993 by Rik Faith (

FIXME Probably all of the following should be documented: